DBM’s Spirit Bomb

I know I talk about it a bunch, but I genuinely take a lot of pride in essentially inventing one of the game’s final Ultra Rare cards, Earth’s Spirit Bomb. When we first arrived for Kid Buu Saga playtesting, ESB was very different than the card it is today. Those funny non-Tokui Waza drills in the set, like Orange Discharge Drill and Saiyan Aggression Drill, were actually the condition needed to access ESB. You needed to have a drill of every style in play, and then you could pull it from your Sensei Deck and smash your opponent.

What I disliked about this was how it had nothing to do with allies. I’m a big fan of making cards match flavor (in any license – this was one of the things I loved about VS System), so I petitioned Chippy and the gang for a change. They had me propose the card, and they accepted it! We added in the fact that the allies get removed after the effect triggers in order to prevent abuse, as well as to symbolize their lack of energy after the Bomb.

Sadly, like many cards in Kid Buu Saga, there was no environment for them to ever shine, as Dragon Ball GT and its infamous power creep came out less than a year later and changed the rules, and the metagame, extensively.

This is a fun deck that I’ve put together while preparing for Gen Con. It’s not bulletproof, but it allows for a true ‘triple-victory’ environment while unlocking one of the coolest, and unused cards in the game.

Your strategy is simple: activate EDQ while building a control board with Allies. Either win by Dragon Ball victory or crush your opponent with Allies and/or Spirit Bomb.

Some things to keep in mind:

-Your allies/drills will get discarded and/or removed by your opponent’s cards. This is not an Orange SWK deck. It’s okay, as Black offers the best control in the game without needing a board. Also, there are tons of ways to get your stuff back from the discard pile.

-You need to be flexible on how you are going to win the game. Your strategy can get blown up by one bad combat, or an untimely tech card like Caught Off Guard Drill/Cell’s Presence. The nature of Dragon Balls really helps here, as you can always eke out a victory, even with a slim life deck.

-Don’t be afraid to enter combat. One mistake a lot of rookie control players make is not wanting to enter combat, because their deck ‘feels better’ when you’re shutting down your opponent’s initiatives. Not only can you enter combat, wreck up their random hand, and do some control work (EDQ, Ally searching, etc), but you have the ability to do some serious damage with cards like Black Physical Focus.

-Please provide input. This deck is far from perfect (I for one never played Hero Ally of any type) so please speak up. I’m very curious to hear your input.

Sensei Deck:

Black Scout Maneuver x2
Earth’s Spirit Bomb x2
Black Pivot Kick x2

Dragon Balls:

Namek Dragon Ball 1
Namek Dragon Ball 2
Alt Namek Dragon Ball 3
Alt Namek Dragon Ball 4
Alt Namek Dragon Ball 5
Alt Namek Dragon Ball 6
Alt Namek Dragon Ball 7


Watching From Afar x3
Black Searching Technique x3
Z Warrior’s Gather x2
Hero’s Lucky Break
The Eternal Dragon’s Quest x2
The Help of Earth x3
Energy Gathering x2
Releasing The Sword
Hercule’s Dream Sequence x2


Black Smoothness Drill x2
Caught Off Guard Drill x2
Black Mischievous Drill


Confrontation x3
Trunks Energy Sphere x3
Pure Defense
Stop! x3
The Power of the Dragon
Super Saiyan Effect
Land In Pain x2
Gathering of Heroes x3


Black Body Destruction x3
Black Physical Focus x3
Black Face Slap x2
Earth Dragon Ball Capture x3
Energy Lob


Time Is A Warrior’s Tool
Black Buffer Block x3
Black Recovery x3
Frieza’s Force Bubble
Nappa’s Physical Resistance


Yamcha, the Friend
Krillin, the Friend
King Kai, Earth’s Mentor
Yajirobe, Retired
Kid Trunks, Teenager

Latest Comments

  1. Joshman June 20, 2012
    • DBM June 20, 2012
    • Joshman June 21, 2012
  2. Chipmunk June 21, 2012
    • Shane June 21, 2012
      • Hawk September 1, 2012
  3. Corey h June 21, 2012
    • DBM June 21, 2012
      • DBM June 21, 2012
  4. Corey h June 21, 2012
  5. Deltree June 21, 2012
  6. tommy June 23, 2012
  7. mcq26 June 23, 2012
  8. TheAtheist June 24, 2012

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