Help This Red WGS Cell Deck!

Danny Rider sent in this decklist and wants your input on how to make it the best it can be.

Sensei (5):

Red Sniping Shot x3
Red Trap

Dragon Balls (4):

Alt Namek 1
Alt Namek 2
Alt Namek 3
Namek 6

Combat (6):

Time is a Warrior’s Tool
Android 18’s Stare Down
Trunks Energy Sphere x3
Red King Cold’s Observation

Battleground (2):

Heroes Battleground x2

Allies (9):

Cell Jr 1 x3
Cell Jr 2 x3
Cell Jr 1 lvl 2 x3

Physical Combat (9):

Vegeta’s Physical Resistance
Nappa’s Physical Resistance
Red Rapid Deflection
Red Blocking Hand x2
Red Axe Heel Kick x3
Cell Jr.’s Flight

Energy Combat (46):

Nappa’s Energy Aura
Red Energy Shield x3
Red Ball Throw x3
Red Arm Cannon x3
Red Energy Outburst x3
Red Static Shot x2
Red Cross Slash x3
Red Voltage Missile x3
Red Mouth Cannon x2
Red Leverage Blast x2
Red Repeating Flares x3
Red Left Bolt x3
Red Energy Blast x3
Red Energy Charge x3
Red Energy Rings x3
Red Energy Surprise x3
Red Rapid Energy x3

Total Cards: 83

So starting out I wanted to try a Red energy deck, and after I chose Cell as my MP found that the Cell Jr ally build complimented the idea of multiple attacks fairly well, so it kind of worked its way into the design. But I know this deck can be tighter somehow. You’ll note I built this without any virtual cards as I am making the deck for pseudo-casual play, so please keep suggestions to printed cards please.

The key points I would like to point out, and want to keep intact in this deck are the following:

-South Kai gets me Cell Jr 1, who gets me more Cell Jr’s, who get me more etc. in a successful turn, so he really helps out in growing my Cell Jr army quickly. BTW, this was my first time using Cell Jr allies, and I was extremely satisfied at how well they work and how decently placed on the PAT they are. Awesome level 1 allies.

-In using the WGS Red style I tried to make sure almost every single one of these attacks has an “if successful” effect. So if my opponent blocks an attack, he discards cards. And if he lets my attacks go through my “if successful” effects pull off. Couple that with a couple of low cost, low damage energy attacks like Red Energy Charge, and I have the chance to really mess with someone’s head. Is it worth blocking a 3 life card energy attack if I discard 2 cards? Or if someone plays a “stops all energy attacks” I can still go to town and force a bunch of discarding thanks to cards like Red Voltage Missile and Red Repeating Flares. Oh, and it’s nice to lower anger with.

-Red Rapid Energy gets me a lot of cards back from my discard as a secondary effect. I wanted to include more cards with “Energy” in the title, so hopefully your suggestions will give me a list to look at.

-The Balls aren’t exactly crucial except for Alt Namek 2. I can gain 3 anger from Red Energy Outburst while it’s in play, so that keeps me going with the leveling up. The others I kept in for either anger effects or I like what they bring to the table.

-Red King Kold’s observation does kill my allies, but it’s really only going to be used if it has to be, so I decided to keep it in.

-I am not sure if I should have more or less physical defense. I wanted to throw a Vegeta’s Jolting Slash in here, but am having a tough time finding the room or rational, as taking a few punches to the face let’s my Cell Jr’s jump into the fight more often.

-I would like to add a Vegeta’s Energy Focus, but am not sure if free energy attacks is a good secondary effect with allies on the table chomping at the bit.

-The deck has some (not a lot), non-combat tech, but that’s the price Red style often pays. Suggestions?

-And yes, I would be up the creek quickly against Joshman’s Lvl 4 Trunks if I can’t finish the game fast, but I always liked Trunks more than Cell anyhow…

-I have room for a couple of cards (if I stick with the 85 deck maximum instead of the old 75 I had been used to playing), and as this is an aggressive deck with little hand recall, I’d rather not cut down on cards, just find the best cards for the job. Really hoping to hear suggestions or comments.

Thanks for the help.

Latest Comments

  1. StillChewy July 25, 2012
  2. DBM July 25, 2012
  3. Trent July 25, 2012
  4. Manic July 25, 2012
  5. Chipmunk July 25, 2012
    • Manic July 25, 2012
      • Chipmunk July 25, 2012
  6. Manic July 25, 2012
    • Sayjin July 25, 2012
      • Manic July 25, 2012
        • Manic July 25, 2012
  7. Danny Rider July 25, 2012
  8. Saiyaman July 25, 2012
  9. Joel July 25, 2012
  10. that guy July 25, 2012
    • Sayjin July 26, 2012

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