With Gen Con Indy around the corner, we’re putting a lot of effort into the preparations that go along with it: both professional and personal. As such, the updates to the website will be more sporadic in the coming weeks. We’ll try to post what we can, when we can, but don’t be alarmed if the website goes dormant for a few days at a time. We will have plenty of news, coverage and deck lists from Gen Con Indy when we return. Check the Facebook page for the most up to date posts, live from Indy! Later BroZ!
Is this image from the original Dragon Ball? I don’t remember it in Z. Would have made a great looking card.
David “Chipmunk” Eckhard
Damn, Missed One
I don’t know where it’s from. I get all my images from the Wiki.
Hmmmm, it’s odd on the main page it showed King Piccolo AND that King Piccolo was mentioned in the most recent update to the CRD… wonder if they’ve been dropping hints as to them unveiling their own King Piccolo Main Personality set! That would be awesome. 😛