Supreme West Kai: Black to the Future

As I’ve mentioned before, I didn’t get into this game until pretty late. Once the GT cards started rolling out, I had gotten the gist of deck building and obtained a few money cards, fueling myself to top cut at some Expanded tournaments. The early months of Baby and Super 17 Saga continued my love for Goku Freestyle. Dimension Breaker for massive rejuvenation was a personal favorite. Sound familiar? Greetings Dragon Ballers, Didier here with the DBZ/GT CCG deck that took me over at the end of this game’s life: Black Supreme West Kai.

All of my decks usually have some element of control or combo. Vegeta freestyle having hand manipulation nuances kept it close to home during my recent reintroduction to the game. Back during Expanded’s ‘glory’ days, Shadow Dragon Saga brought new and fun mechanics to life. Training abilities distracted me for a bit (Mainly because Dragon Booster sounded so snazzy when rolling off the tongue), but there was a card that stopped me in my tracks when opening packs one fateful afternoon:

Black Sticky Drill

You don’t need to rack your brain to see the potential of this. Tickle Drill (adding +1 to all milling) along with Leadership Drill (milling one when you played a noncombat) and the above mentioned were a 1-2-3 combo that could flip any match. Long Journey was no longer a passive drill searcher, but instead a devastating card causing cascading damage. This limit one card, after all, was good enough to play a sole Dende Dragon Ball 3 for the possibility doing it twice. It did always need ‘remove from the game after use’ didn’t it? Releasing the Sword was a terror as the card caused an upwards of 12 damage…and who knows what was going to pop out from it…

I knew I would be playing this deck the moment I saw that Sticky Drill. I was first drawn to Yajirobe. He was weak for DPR, hero for COGD, and his power to get a setup is so powerful in black. Black Morbid Cuisine Drill (both players mill their PURs) was especially effective with his low PUR. The problem being playing all these drills, setups, black control cards, and blocks it just ended up all being too much and slowed the deck down compared to the Queen of the DBZ/GT: Supreme West Kai.


For you see, with this evil bloodsucking woman, I could control the entire field, both discard piles, and both player’s hands with relative ease. Her powers are what break, broke, and have her be broken. Ultimate discard manipulation/rejuvenation with draw along with black’s field and hand disruption? It was a match made in Other World. And blocks? Who needs blocks? I could stuff my deck with control gems like Black Flinch and get really aggressive with disruption attacks like Black Forceful Impact, Black Focal Point, Black Drop Kick, and Majin Buu’s Heal Kick.

My deck was primed and I was ready to roll. I know many other played Science Mastery, but I was fortunate enough to get my hands on Gripping Drills early so I felt the extra control inside Cell Saga would help more. At the time I thought they were valuable, I did ask around quite frequently and no one seemed to have them around SDS’s release. A simple search tells me now not so much… but I’ll be keeping mine for nostalgia none the less.

This Control deck literally would kill you outside of combat. As such, strong aggro decks like Saiyan Everything were scary. It just so happens all the other top tiered decks at the time were Saiyan style. Saiyan Power Punch was huge, for as long as you played it first, it killed all allies, freestyle drills, setups, events, attacks. Black Flich was a godsend. Majin Buu’s Fury also was a #1 killer so I usually targeted these and City in Turmoil with my Caught Off Guard Drills. Aura Clash/AUTE hurt, but trust me, removing 10 cards is all too easy to be able to completely control the field. Chaining Confrontations was a personal favorite. VQD could mean two per combat đŸ˜›

I don’t think very many people knew about the power of this deck. I know it was used in Score playtesting groups, but there was no wide spread information online. Did this deck win some Australian regional? Regardless of its history, it stands as one of the top tiered decks at the end of the game. During one of the last sanctioned Score events, I think it was Die Con where they were pushing out the release of Re-Z, I brought this deck aimed to win the Expanded tournament. This is where I met many members of this community for the first time.

Goten Lv. 1

Don’t let this witch fool you. Despite being control I pushed out serious damage. After all, not playing blocks means I can do everything. I distinctly remember one of my Swiss matches, I think I was 3-1 or something, I sat down to a Blue 85 card slow ball deck. Not a bad meta choice against that insane beatdown environment. “You were the one person I didn’t want to play here,” he sighed, and I couldn’t blame him. I wouldn’t have wanted to play me either. I snagged top cut and won my first round, but met my demise to one Josh Merckle in Top 4.

I don’t think he crushed me, though this was a long time ago, but I vividly seem him doing his Saiyan Gohan’s super combo with personality powers, jumping levels with his HT level 1 and Gohan’s Immense Power along with Supreme Kai’s Ki Push. He must’ve witnessed my dreams being shattered on my face for he started apologizing: “This deck is overpowered and shouldn’t exist.” Realistically, that’s true for both of us, but I took my loss in stride for I had the captivating Re-Z to look forward to.

It’s not really about what deck is ‘the’ deck. Regardless of the top 5 order, SWK Black is in there, for it had the ultimate mix of control, mill, and attacks to not even give lesser tiered decks a chance. After I got what I would consider my best version of the deck, it just sat in my box. It had no use. I couldn’t play test with it, it was unfair and boring just to sit there while their Life Deck withered away while they could do nothing against me. So coming from the guy who played SWK to death, first loving her as I love Vegeta, I’m now glad to see her banned in this format and wish her to forever burn in HIFL. This is the best and the worst deck of all time. One of the best in the format at the end of the game and the absolute worst for the meta game.

Latest Comments

  1. Kamiccolo February 27, 2014
    • Didier Greenleaf February 28, 2014
  2. Kamiccolo February 28, 2014
    • Didier Greenleaf February 28, 2014
  3. S. Dashy February 28, 2014
  4. Matt Gette February 28, 2014
    • Didier Greenleaf February 28, 2014
      • Matt Gette February 28, 2014
  5. Kamiccolo February 28, 2014

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