Author: Joshman

Movie Review – Looper is really moving up in the world, scoring advance press passes to the new Bruce Willis/Joseph Gordon-Levitt flick, Looper. In fact, it’s almost a rule that we won’t review …

Lovin’ the Pink

Greetings and salutations fellow DBZ fanatics! This Frenchman came back from Gen Con supercharged and what better way to release pent up energy than writing articles?(I can think of a …

Goku Freeballin’

This is a Goku ball deck I threw together right before Gen Con. We didn’t have a true Dragon Ball deck in our rotation and we’ve always lacked a Goku, …

A2L Review: Deadlight

Welcome to the start of a new article series call “Android 20 or Less”. This will be a new review column where Garrett and I will take a look at …