Author: Joshman
Match between Garrett (Blue MBS Majin Buu) vs. Chippy (Red MBS Kid Buu). Match was streamed live on March 24, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.
Match between Garrett (Freestyle MBS Trunks) vs. Joshman (Red MBS Uub). Match was streamed live on March 22, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.
Match between Garrett (Red TS Android 20) vs. George (Orange MBS Cell). Match was streamed live on March 22, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.
I built a Piccolo deck in November of last year with the purpose of being a hybrid deck that would be strong against any other type of deck. Utilizing Piccolo’s …
Match between Garrett (Red TS Android 20) vs. Joshman (Red MBS Mr.Popo). Match was streamed live on March 22, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.
Match between Garrett (Saiyan TS Broly) vs. Joshman (Red MBS Mr.Popo). Match was streamed live on March 22, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.
Part One of a multi-part series, DBM takes a look at some of the best cards for tournament play from each set. In this installment, DBM reminisces about the Saiyan Saga and …
Match between Garrett (Saiyan TS Broly) vs. Joshman (Red MBS Majin Buu). Match was streamed live on March 15, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.
An impromptu panel/discussion occurred on our channel this weekend, with former Score Employees and all around game design veterans Chipmunk, Garrett in the Hat and Joshman. Topics go from …
Match between Garrett (Freestyle MBS Trunks Sword) vs. Joshman (Red MBS Majin Buu). Match was streamed live on March 15, 2012. Watch live video from Retro DBZ CCG on TwitchTVVS.