Virtual Card Set 2013 – Big Shot!

This card, we wanted to make a pretty big attack for Namekian that you would need to hit certain conditions for it to go off. Before, we made a card that had you sacrifice your allies to hit your opponent hard. This time we wanted to hit something more near and dear to a Namekian’s heart: the Dragon Balls.

24 Namekian Punisher

At first glance you might think playing the Dragon Balls in your Sensei Deck and using cards like Energy Ricochet to easily remove them without out effort, but there’s also one really big move you can pull on yourself: You can play Kami Fades or Guru Fades on yourself to instantly get seven Dragon Balls in the removed pile for a +21 life card modifier for the attack. If your opponent actually plays a full matching set of Dragon Balls that you Fade away, this attack can pack a wallop that rivals Tien’s Flight or Krillin the Great in terms of damage. However, you will notice that this is a Physical Combat card, so it won’t be as easily accessed with a Namekian Strike or Namekian Energy Focus as other Namekian attacks. At least Pikkon can use it though.

The TUFF ENUFF function was something just too powerful to have in standard. It’s uses might be a little limited in TUFF ENUFF, but also a great way to get rid of a pesky Alt. Earth Dragon Ball 3 or Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 3.

That’s it for this week, check back next time for a special Bulma week.

Later, Broz!

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  1. TuffEnuff July 20, 2013

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