Chippy and Drunklops got into quite a “spirited” discussion about the DBZ CCG over Independance Day. It runs pretty long, but it’s an entertaining discussion.
Chippy and Drunklops got into quite a “spirited” discussion about the DBZ CCG over Independance Day. It runs pretty long, but it’s an entertaining discussion.
It cuts off with Chippy saying “I’m gonna say before I go home…”
After 2 hours of drunken shenangans, I wanted the coup de grace.
The uncut version stays on the Twitch TV page for about a week. Unfortunately, when you broadcast for just over a two hours the recording gets cut into pieces that you can’t splice together using Twitch TV tools (and I don’t have very good video editing skills with other programs). This is why you may see me and Garrett cycle the feed whenever we hit the two hour mark. I assure you thought that by that point in the video, Chippy has nothing relevant to say.